Minggu, 07 Oktober 2012


Elephant Mungkur Reservoir


        Elephant Mungkur Reservoir is a reservoir located 3 km south of the town Wonogiri district, Central Java province. Waters of an artificial lake created by the dam is the longest river on the island of Java, Bengawan Solo river. Was built in the late 1970's and began operating in 1978. Reservoir with an area of ​​approximately 8800 ha in 7 districts can irrigate an area of ​​23 600 ha of rice fields in the area Sukoharjo, Klaten, Karanganyar and Sragen. In addition to supplying drinking water Winton Cities also generate electricity from hydropower by 12.4 MegaWatt. To build the dam, the government moved people displaced by the reservoir waters bedol transmigration villages to Sitiung, the province of West Sumatra. The reservoir is planned can live up to 100 years. However, sedimentation causes age reservoir is not expected to be long. Perum Jasa Tirta Bengawan Solo overwhelmed to do the treatment on reservoir in Winton Elephant Mungkur the job. Damage to the watershed (DAS) which causes severe high reservoir sedimentation.


         Elephant Mungkur Reservoir is  a reservoir located 3 km south of the town Wonogiri, Central Java Province. Waters of an artificial lake created by the dam is the longest river on the island of Java, namely Bengawan Solo river. Was built in the late 1970's and began operating in 1978. Elephant Mungkur Reservoir recreation is also a very beautiful place.
         Here available boat to circumnavigate the waters, as well as the fishing. Moreover, it can also enjoy their sport glider (hang gliding). There is also a leisure park "Spring" which is located 6 km south of the City of Winton. In the dry season, the water reservoirs will discharge small and most of the basic reservoir visible. Basic reservoir on the outskirts utilized by local communities to plant annual crops, such as corn. 



        Recreation Park Reservoir Elephent Mungkur created after the construction is completed Mungkur. It is an honor that the recreational park Reservoir Elephant Mungkur be the only recreational park for the people of Witney and the people outside Wonogiri. The region is well developed tourism Agro form of breeding various types of freshwater fist.

        It also held Gebyar Elephant Mungkur tourism event held every Eid for two weeks in Object Travel / Recreation Park Reservoir Elephant Mungkur. Activities undertaken are art performances during the two weeks in the form of Malay bandstand, tasters etc. with the aim of entertaining the people who visit the Elephant Mungkur Tourism Object Reservoir.

       Event tourism is not less visited by 100,000 visitors. Elephant Gebyar Mungkur closed with cultural attractions Alms Earth in the form of rituals performed by the Regent diamond Wonogiri with spread to visitors, after the deployment of the diamond followed by traditional dances attraction in Spring Sights Asri. 
        Event tourism cultural tourism degree is also implemented in Spring Sights Mungkur Gajah Asri.Basin, in Sura each year, showing Wonogiri indigenous cultural attractions include: 
 • Activities ruwatan mass, every year demand by approximately 200 people by the community and outside Winton.
 • Owned Heritage jamasan Mangkunegara I
 •  Traditional Dance typical Winton
         Elephant Mungkur Reservoir surrounded with hills and beautiful scenery. This place is perfect for fishing and water recreation activities.
scenic attractions, making it fun for recreational activities such as fishing and other kinds of water sports water skiing, boating and parasailing. Here too there are stalls that float on the water with a special menu Javanese cuisine.

        Reservoir Elephent Mungkur which lies in Wonogiri could be an alternative vacation spot. The distance is not so far away and we can enjoy the beautiful scenery incredible.Journey from the City of Sukoharjo Surakarta get through.This route would not bother even if there is a way few men approached berkelokkelok Winton. But only 30 minutes for shelf about 32 kilometers if departing from the city of Surakarta will vehicle.
        If you embark on a journey of Sukoharjo a relatively short road taken. Only 17 kilometers or about 20 minutes. If the air never visit to Winton, boasts a tu will easily find the right path.
        The journey to Wono giri is quite smooth, because an oncoming vehicle is not so solid. Even tend orderly. Along the way there's also a vast stretches of paddy fields along the way. Not infrequently enough acreage trees are stil.
        If you want to enjoy the panorama view of the reservoir, in the area of ​​Reservoir Elephant Mungkur better straight Mungkur Elephant Park Reservoir. By paying the entrance fee per person Rp 3,100 and the cost for vehicles carried. After that, we will have full access to the reservoir Elephant Mungkur its other facilities.
       The place is managed by the local government be residents is quite leng bonnet trimmings. Good for children or people who want to de wa sa ka se dar pe me enjoy da man with Reservoir Elephant Mungkur. Upon entering the parking lot, many pen selling souvenirs and drinks and snacks ma ka nan air row along the garden area  Resevoir Mungur Elephant sitting chair. Souvenir on sale is the result, and can be taken home to spend USD 2.000Rp 10,000.
       Use skill in bargaining, and make sure the price is not too expensive obtained from the actual price. In front of the souvenir sellers we can try the game fl ying fox only $ 10,000 for one sled. Most flying fox interest here is the children, but adults rarely go try. Satisfied play fl ying fox, loss of taste when it is not trying to ride the boat around the lake.
      "When it comes to my taste Reservoir Elephant Mungkurnganyar. Leased a ship belonging to the people around, the species also varied. There are tricycles water at Rp 4,000 per hour, with a $ 6,000 motorized boats floating around the facilities managed by PT Aqua taps and Rp 10,000 for a speed boat with the same facilities, but contains fewer passengers. The thing to notice in r are broken up and boat speed is the use of pe Lampung.
       Although security guarantee ter yet to air jagajaga better choose motor boat with a buoy de adequate. Because water reservoir deep enough Mungkur Gajah is 10 meters. In addition to the above facilities we can also try to climb the elephant in the wings and turning area Mungkur Mengen Elephant Park Reservoir darai mini train. Satisfied tried many fa silitas existing stomach feels hungry. No need to get out of Reservoir Park Elephant Mungkur. In this area we can find plenty of restaurants serving a variety of fresh fish that has been processed by means baked or fried.

       The price is quite cheap and the portions served are also not small. If you are not too fond of de with processed fish, we could enjoy a rustic pecel sold in Reservoir Park Ga face Mungkur. While me enjoy live music will be heard from the stage to entertain the present pe jung get up. (Sinta / jul / den)

       Reservoir Elephant Mungkur
Spring Recreation Park Reservoir Gajah Asri Mungkur
Address: Spring village, district. Winton

FACILITIES: The leisure park has available several tourist facilities include:
- Animal Park
- Swimming Pool (Rates 4000, - per person)
- Children's toys (IDR rates. 3.000, - per person)
- Jet sky
- Boat (Rp.6.000 rates, - / person in accordance route)
- Bicycles water (Rates 5,000, - per person)
- Hang gliding sports facilities
- The restaurant afloat (cages)
- Places of worship, Toilet, Car Park
- Railway Rabbits (Rates Rp 3.000, - / trip)
- Tickets Up Elephant Rp 5.000, - / per person according to route

MAP LOCATION: Recreation Park is located in the South of Winton (7 km) can be reached with a time of about 15 minutes with a smooth road conditions.

Weekdays USD 5100, -
Holiday / large / .Minggu USD 7600, -
Eid Package USD 9100, -

Bus / Truck Rp. 10.000, -
Mini Bus Rp. 5.000, -
Wheels 4 Rp. 3,000, -
Wheels 2 Rp. 1,000, -


        Wonogiri District is the only district / city in the Surakarta area has a beach.Nampu beach and located in District Paranggupito Sembukan approximately 40 Km south of the City of Winton.
Sembukan Coast beach ritual known as a bustling people to meditate and ngalab blessing.
         Nampu very beautiful beaches and natural white sand beach is very long and is suitable for family recreation with cash beverage coconut water. Besides beach Nampu also equally exquisite is its distance from the beach sembukan District Office Parnggupito approximately 3.5 km away, also at certain times which also held a float followed by a puppet show. If you want to tour the coast sembukan do not forget to bring the hook because there are many people who fish for fishing while enjoying the beautiful ocean scenery is captivating.


        Goa Putri Kencono located in the Village District Pracimantoro Wonodadi within 40 miles dar Wonogiri city. Its beauty has a very nice and unique because they have the area around approximately 1000 m2 and through the hills on the opposite hill. This place has the advantage of beautiful stalactites and stalagmites. The distance between goa Princess Kencana with Pracimantoro District approximately 9 Km.



         The roads to Winton via Jl. Kingdom Ngadirojo-Wonogiri there are culinary buffet restaurant.The diner Pak To a bustling when the lunch break.The restaurant buffet is so spacious and has two parts, namely the Lesbian makn place or eating on a table with chairs to sit long.The food menu is available here, starting with fish and grilled or fried chicken, vegetables, cooking Java, etc..
            Elephant Mungkur Reservoir is located about 2.5 kilo meters south of the town of Winton. Beautiful scenery, lovely and cool with Eating Floating facilities, Keramba, Hotel, Restaurant Special Fish Grill is apt to unwind and comfortable resting place for the family.Certain months every tourist attraction on the Elephant Mungkur often held events and sporting ritual tour include: 


- The month of Muharam / ​​Suro: Legacy jamasan Mangkunegaran
- Month of Shawwal: Syawalan diamond, stage entertainment and performing arts Reog culture,          - Kethek Ogleng Dance, Mix and Orchestra dangdut.  


          Baturetno Market is a district in Wonogiri, Central Java. Sub is bordered on the west by Reservoir Gajahmungkur.Baturetno - Market Baturetno is the estuary for the contractor and the buyer at large. Compared to other traditional markets in Wonogiri market can be said of the most crowded. Because the four districts namely Giriwoyo Middle Reef, Batuwarno and Batureno own to meet daily needs in that market oriented.

                                         Ayo dolan menyang Wonogiri..!!!

         Object Tourism:
     1) Sembukan Beach                                                                                                                             

     2) Goa Putri Kencono                                                                                                                           
     3) Restaurant “Pak To”

     4) Elephant Mungkur Reservoir                                                                                                  

     5) Baturetno Market

*      Facilities:

Bus Full AC & Full Musik

TV & Video Plus Karaoke

Smoking Area,Toilet

Tour Guide

Comfortable Attraction
Snack + Soft Drink
Buffet Lunch at Restaurant

Harga Paket

@ Rp. 370.000,00/pax

Berlaku sampai s/d Tgl 5 Desember 2012

Contact Person:

Telp. (0271)-6454271 or Hp.081647891067 
Email: putrierizki@rocketmail.com

Jl.Anggrek Chrisan 2 No.27,Karanganyar.

Welcome and Congratulations enjoy...!!!

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