Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2012


                                                           WONOGIRI HISTORY

          History of the beginning of the embryonic Wonogiri "little kingdom" on earth Nglaroh Pule Village District Selogiri. In this area of ​​the commencement of the preparation of the organizational form of government that is still very limited and very simple, and would later become a symbol of the unifying spirit of the people's struggle. Initiatives to make Winton (Nglaroh) as the basis of struggle Raden Mas Said, is of itself Wonogiri (Wiradiwangsa) which is further supported by the Winton at the time.

         From now on that's Ngalroh (Witney) to be a very important area, which gave birth to the historical events in the future. Precisely on Wednesday 3rd of Rabi Kliwon early (Mulud) Year Jumakir, Windu Senggoro: Angrasa retu ngoyang universe or 1666, and when following the BC calculation becomes Kliwon on Wednesday May 19, 1741 (Kahutaman Sumbering Linuwih Giri), Ngalaroh has a small empire boosted by the formation of the head and governor as equipment retainer (government institutions) a kingdom, although still very simple. Society Winton with leaders of Raden Mas Said during the Dutch colonial has also demonstrated his reaction against colonial rule.

        Toil Pengeran Samber Nyawa (Raden Mas Said) ended with the successful results prove he can be a Duke in Mangkunegaran and holds the Prince Duke Gusti Kanjeng Arya (KGPAA) Mangkunegoro I. The event was exemplary until now because thanks to the attitude and the nature of virtue (courage and magnanimity) struggle leaders, community leaders who have always supported the spirit of cooperation of all the people in the region Wonogiri.
Anniversary of the discovery of Winton on May 19, 1741 will be a source of pride as a driver of progress and development Winton area. Day so that in itself is actually an identity that would be a starting point to look into the future with sustainable development based on the Stability of Law Coordination and Evaluation Objective Spirit Juang (SUCCESS).
Wonogiri City which is known as Cassava, is one of regencies in Central Java which establishment stipulated by Law No. 13 Year 1950 on the Establishment of Regions Environmental District in Central Java Province.

                                                        BEACH SEMBUKAN

         Wonogiri District is the only district / city in the Surakarta area has a beach.Nampu beach and located in District Paranggupito Sembukan approximately 40 Km south of the City of Winton.
Sembukan Coast beach ritual known as a bustling people to meditate and ngalab blessing.      
        Nampu very beautiful beaches and natural white sand beach is very long and is suitable for family recreation with cash beverage coconut water. Besides beach Nampu also equally exquisite is its distance from the beach sembukan District Office Parnggupito approximately 3.5 km away, also at certain times which also held a float followed by a puppet show. If you want to tour the coast sembukan do not forget to bring the hook because there are many people who fish for fishing while enjoying the beautiful ocean scenery is captivating.Price of admission Rp 5.000,00/pax.

                                                     GOA PUTRI KENCONO

        Goa Putri Kencono located in the Village District Pracimantoro Wonodadi within 40 miles dar Wonogiri city. Its beauty has a very nice and unique because they have the area around approximately 1000 m2 and through the hills on the opposite hill. This place has the advantage of beautiful stalactites and stalagmites. The distance between goa Princess Kencana with Pracimantoro District approximately 9 Km.Price of admission Rp 3.000,00/pax.


                                                    RESTAURANT “Pak To”

          The roads to Winton via Jl. Kingdom Ngadirojo-Wonogiri there are culinary buffet restaurant.The diner “Pak To” a bustling when the lunch break.The restaurant buffet is so spacious and has two parts, namely the Lesbian makn place or eating on a table with chairs to sit long.The food menu is available here, starting with fish and grilled or fried chicken, vegetables, cooking Java, etc..

                                            ELEPHANT MUNGKUR RESERVOIR

         Elephant Mungkur Reservoir is located about 2.5 kilo meters south of the town of Winton. Beautiful scenery, lovely and cool with Eating Floating facilities, Keramba, Hotel, Restaurant Special Fish Grill is apt to unwind and comfortable resting place for the family.Certain months every tourist attraction on the Elephant Mungkur often held events and sporting ritual tour include:

- The month of Muharam / ​​Suro: Legacy jamasan Mangkunegaran
- Month of Shawwal: Syawalan diamond, stage entertainment and performing arts Reog culture, Kethek Ogleng Dance, Mix and Orchestra dangdut.Price of admission Rp 3.100,00/pax.

                                                   BATURETNO MARKET

         Baturetno Market is a district in Wonogiri, Central Java. Sub is bordered on the west by Reservoir Gajahmungkur.Baturetno - Market Baturetno is the estuary for the contractor and the buyer at large. Compared to other traditional markets in Wonogiri market can be said of the most crowded. Because the four districts namely Giriwoyo Middle Reef, Batuwarno and Batureno own to meet daily needs in that market oriented.

                                                 CENDRAWASIH HOTEL

          Address: Jl.Blimbing II 9,Giripurwo,Wonogiri. Situated right in the heart of Witney, Paradise Hotel provides 20 comfortable rooms for your rest. Equipped with air conditioning, hot / cold water, TV, attached bathroom / tub, single / double beds, spacious parking, separate lounge, free wifi and a place of worship.

If you are staying overnight in the town of Witney, make sure you get the friendly service of all employees and management
Cendrawasih Hotel.

  Rooms available:
- Business
- Executive
- Family
* terms are sized meeting rooms

- AC / Fans
- Sound System
- LCD Projector + screen
- Dining Room suk ​​free breakfast for 2 people, taxes and hotel service, etc..


                                                                                         Ayo dolan menyang Wonogiri..!!!

       Object Tourism:

1) Sembukan Beach                                                                                                                      2) Goa Putri Kencono                                                                                                                 3) Restaurant “Pak To”
4) Elephant Mungkur Reservoir                                                                                                 5) Baturetno Market

      Bus Full AC & Full Musik
TV & Video Plus Karaoke
Smoking Area,Toilet
Tour Guide
Comfortable Attraction
Snack + Soft Drink
Buffet Lunch at Restaurant

                                                          Price of Package 

                                                      @ Rp. 570.000,00/pax
                                                               Validity Oktober s/d Tgl 5 Desember 2012

Contact Person:
Telp. (0271)-6457289 or Hp. 081678907921

Jl.Anggrek Chrisan 2 No.24,Karanganyar.

Welcome and Congratulations enjoy...!!!